Internship slots: 3!
Ready to challenge yourself? Here's how to throw your hat in the ring:
Share your journey so far. We don't expect you to have a lot of experience, no worries! We're looking for your passion and commitment to web development.
GitHub Link
Develop a web application showcasing your understanding of web development fundamentals. You can find the details in the next section.
Loom Link (Video Recording)
Guide us through your web application, to help us understand better how you thought about the solution. The recording should be in English. Visit
Project Brief
Objective: Create a user interface for a marketplace application. The theme? Anything you're passionate about.
Required Features
A landing page displaying all products.
Product Details
Product details page upon selection from the homepage. Navigation should also be in place.
Add a Product
Include a feature for adding a new product to the list (in-memory persistence is accepted).
Display at least 20 products, 10 per page.
Searching or filtering
Implement a basic search or filter feature.
Creative License
Go wild with features and design. Creativity scores extra points.
Data Source
Pick one from: In-memory Mock Data, External API, or a Database (together with a Backend).
Tech Stack
Open. However, if in doubt, we recommend Next.js for a comprehensive web development experience.
Consider using for a smooth, free deployment experience, complete with Postgres database support for your project.
Get started here!
Tutorials: This is a list of curated tutorials that, if followed, will enable you to easily deliver the assignment.
- 1. Javascript Crash Course
- 2. HTML & CSS Basics
- 3. React Basics
- 4. Typescript Basics
- 5. Next.js Basics
- 6. Deploy Next.js to Vercel
- 7. Deploy a Node.js backend (on 3 possible platforms)
If you decide to use some non-javascript based backed, like python or java, you can check out the following hosting methods: